Permanent Marker Sales Agreement

The Permanent Marker is a novelty item and not intended for actual use. The below protects us if you actually use this product. We strongly suggest you do not.

Permanent Marker – REBEL8 Waiver – Please read and agree to terms below.

REBEL8 offers the purchase of the product Permanent Marker (“Tattoo Kit”). In consideration for purchasing a REBEL8 Tattoo Kit, I freely agree to and acknowledge the following:

Risks of Tattooing: I fully realize and appreciate the dangers and risks, both known and unknown, inherent in the practice of tattooing. By purchasing in a Tattoo Kit, I expressly assume all risks (known or unknown) associated with this activity, including (but not limited to) bodily infection, permanent bodily markings, and possibility of serious physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, my property, or third partiers associated with the practice. I understand that this kit contains potentially harmful materials including a very sharp needle, alcohol wipes and black ink. I understand that potentially dangerous situations may arise with the use of the Tattoo kit which are beyond the control of REBEL8, that REBEL8 has not inspected. Knowing these risks involved, I nevertheless agree to assume those risks and to release all the persons or entities mentioned below for any injury, death, illness or property damages occurred. My purchase and use of the Tattoo Kit is is purely voluntary and I elect to participate in this activity in spite of the risks.

Responsibilities of the Buyer: I certify that I will have adequate medical insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating in this activity, or else agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I have no medical or physical condition which could interfere with my safety while using this kit, or else I am willing to assume, and bear the costs of, all risks that may be created, directly or indirectly, by any such condition. Release and Indemnification: I hereby voluntarily waive, release, and forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless REBEL8 and its agents and employees for any and all claims, demands, or caused or action that are in any way connected with my use of the tattoo Kit, including any such claims which I, my children, parents, heirs, assigns, personal representative, and estate have or may have that allege ordinary negligent acts or omission of REBEL8. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS RELEASE INCLUDES ALL CLAIMS AGAINST REBEL8 ARISING FROM ITS ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE CLAIMS ARISING FROM REBEL8’S ALLEGED GROSS NEGLIGENCE. Should REBEL8 or anyone acting on its behalf be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for such fees and costs. I agree that the validity and enforceability of this Waiver and Release will be governed by the substantive laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.

I AGREE THAT I WILL NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS KIT TO A MINOR. I AGREE THAT I WILL NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY TATTOOING OF ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF 18. REBEL8 cannot be held responsible for the loss of a kit after shipping. All Tattoo Kit Materials, including instructions and other promotional materials that are made by REBEL8 are proprietary, and subject to copyright protection. I agree that I will not reproduce or distribute such printed materials without the prior written consent of REBEL8. I WILL NOT RESELL THIS KIT.

By clicking on a purchase button, I acknowledge that I am 18 years of age of older, and that I have read and agree to all of the terms of sale.