Gonna get a little into the weeds on the inspiration behind some of the last products we released. I spent many years freezing my ass off at Candlestick Park in San Francisco. To this day I hate SF weather and I no longer even live there. I was born a Giant's fan in 1980. I grew up sitting mainly in the nose-bleeds, wearing my glove the entire time, only taking it off to eat the lunch my mom packed or a chocolate malt she bought. Well that, and Cracker Jacks, but I think my mom packed those as well. I never did catch a ball.

Anyways, Will Clark was my hero, and the entire Giant's organization of the late 80s will always hold a special place in my heart. I liked Will Clark because he was good, had a bit of an attitude, and played my position as a left-hander, first base. 

Here is a photo of me in the locker room with Will The Thrill's #22 jersey.

Here is a promotional poster with teammate Kevin Mitchell. This is his famous bare handed catch if you don't know this legend.

I gotta say, as I was Googling for that Pacific Sock Exchange poster above, this popped up. The Bash Brothers on an Oakland cop car. Pretty tight. These two were the legit roided out home run champs on the other side of the Bay.

Back to The Stick. Most games I went to were during the day on a weekend. This is a photo of me and my mom. I'll assume I was about four years old here. Yes, above me, is a guy wearing an epic crop top. Also everyone else is wearing a mesh cap, the inspiration behind the REBEL8 Vintage SF Mesh Cap.

I have a vivid memory of always seeing elderly couples with snapbacks covered in small circular orange buttons. I soon learned that it was given to fans attending night games that stay for extra innings. This is the last one produced, for the final night game at Candlestick Park.

On this earlier version, I added the same words of "Loyalty and devotion..." hidden on the underside of The Stick Button.

From inspiration to execution.

This is the why of these products. The Stick Button comes free with every Sport Strapback, or can be purchased separately. This is all personal to me. I hope you enjoy wearing these products as much as I did sharing about why I made them.